Check in: 8:00 AM
Race Starts: 9:00 AM
Washington, DC
CHCI's unstoppable Latino leadership movement just got better! Join us as we Run to Lead. Register now for the inaugural 5K Run/Walk on Sunday, June 26, 2022.
At CHCI we are dedicated to developing the next generation of Latino leaders and believe that part of that effort is maintaining our community's health. We are excited to host our first ever 5K run/walk on Sunday, June 26! Together we can continue to set an example for our community and spread awareness about the importance of physical activity.
The run/walk course is open to motivated individuals of all abilities and covers an uncertified, untimed 5K distance*. The course will cross several intersections with the assistance of traffic control officers. The course will remain open for two hours.
Join us for a great morning of exercise and fun!
CHCI Run To Lead 5K Run/Walk
Nationals Park
*Note: The event will not take place on a certified USATF course and official times will not be available.
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