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2024 Mental Break Walk 2K/5K

Welcome to the 2024 Mental Break Walk Registration page!
Please be sure to scroll down for more information and to register. 

Join Mind and Wellness Foundation (MAWF) by gathering your friends and family and head out for a walk celebrating the memory of those lives we love who have struggled with mental health. Whether you prefer to walk alone our with friends and family this event is for everyone who believes in the power of mental health and wellness.


The purpose of the '2024 Mental Break Virtual Walk' is to garner awareness for barriers surrounding access to mental health care, including lack of knowledge and access to providers, insurance, and financial limitations, among other challenges that young men and women in the U.S. experience, particularly those in communities of color. 


Not only will you be supporting a worthy cause, but you will also have the opportunity to connect with like-minded individuals who share your passion for mental wellness. The Foundation Walk is a chance to come together as a community, celebrate our collective efforts, and inspire each other to continue advocating for mental health.

This is an untimed virtual event.

Registration fee:
Virtual Walk: $55 and includes a shirt and shipping. 

Online registration will close on Wednesday, November 20 at 8:00 pm and shipping will start on Friday, November 22. 

Be sure to register by November 13 to be guaranteed a shirt in your preferred size!

All items will be shipped. 

Visit our website or reach out to us for more information on how to register and participate. Together, we can make a lasting impact on mental health and wellness. We look forward to seeing you there!

  • Funds raised from the walk will be used to achieve our mission of supporting young people and providing education, tools and resources to prioritize their mental health.
  • Suicide is the third leading cause of death for teens and young adults, ages 15-24 (SAVE, 2021).
  • 25.5% of adults ages 18-24 reported having seriously considered suicide in the past month. This is a higher percentage than any other adult age group (CDC, 2020).
  • Suicide is the second leading cause of death in Black children aged 10-14, and the third leading cause of death in Black adolescents aged 15-19 (National Institute of Mental Health, 2019). 
  • We strive to serve as a beacon, creating a new path that changes the way mental health is recognized, discussed, supported, and cared for in all communities.

Thank you Sponsors




