Register for the 2022 National Police Week 5K

A global event uniting thousands of law enforcement officers and their supporters to remember our fallen heroes.
The Officer Down Memorial Page will be hosting our sixteenth annual National Police Week 5K on May 14, 2022. Day-of registration, check-in, packet pickup, and other pre-race day activities begin at 7:00 am. The starting gun for the 5K is at 9:00 am.
We are excited to host the National Police Week 5K in a new location. The race will be held in Arlington, Va.
1621 North Kent St.
Arlington, VA 22209
Click here for 5K Course Map
Register today to be guaranteed a spot!
Registration fees for the 5K:
$35 Early Bird Discount through February 14
$40 February 15 through March 1
$45 March 2 - April 1
$50 April 2 - May 13
$60 Day of the Race
Register as an individual or join your friends and create a team!
For Virtual 5K, $5 is added to include shipping.
Packet pick up will be at the Arlington Ballston Quarter Mall, Entry Level M1, on Friday, May 13 from 9:00 am - 6:00 pm. Then on Race Day, Saturday, May 14 at the race site starting at 7:00 am.
Shirt Guarantee
On-site runners: ODMP will make every effort to guarantee a shirt for in-person registrants, regardless of the registration date. Shirt sizes cannot be guaranteed for race day registration.
Virtual Runners: Virtual packets will be shipped domestically; due to USPS varying shipping times ODMP recommends pre-registering before May 1, 2022, in order to receive your packet by race day. Unfortunately, ODMP cannot guarantee delivery by race day after May 1st.
7:00 am - Onsite Registration Opens
8:45 am - Opening Announcements/National Anthem
9:00 am - 5K Race Begins
Project Active Armor (PAA) is law enforcement from across America showing every Deputy, Agent, Correction, and Police Officer there's no reason not to wear armor.
ODMP wants to support you in your kevlar! Earn PAA patches from ODMP, Law Enforcement United, and so many more agencies!
When you participate in the National Police Week 5K in your gear you will raise awareness for PAA, be eligible to purchase a limited edition ODMP PAA patch and show officers that they can and should wear their vests at all times while on the job.
In addition, Law Enforcement United (LEU) offers its own PAA patch. If you send your picture to Law Enforcement United PAA coordinator, Mark Faust, to earn your Law Enforcement United PAA Patch.
Continue to wear your vest with your patch to other events, challenge others, and help spread the word!
The Officer Down Memorial Page (ODMP) is a non-profit organization dedicated to honoring America's fallen law enforcement heroes. As the largest law enforcement memorial in the United States, ODMP preserves the memories of more than 25,000 fallen officers in its online memorial and reflection pages.