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Register for 2022 Lake Braddock Athletic Booster Club 5K

Join the LAKE BRADDOCK ATHLETIC BOOSTER CLUB (LBABC) 5K, Sunday, March 20th at 9:00 am.

LBABC is a non-profit organization with the goal of supporting and creating interest in Lake Braddock High School's athletic program. All Lake Braddock athletic teams receive support from the boosters. Go Bruins!

Race Location:
Lake Braddock Secondary School
9200 Burke Lake Road
Burke, VA 22015

Race Starts at 9:00 am

Registration fee: $30
All pre-registered participants will receive a t-shirt and race bib. 

On-line registration will close on Thursday, March 17 at 8:00 pm. Late registrations will be accepted during packet pick up on Friday and on race day.

Packet pick up will be on Friday, March 18 at Lake Braddock HS from 3:00-6:00 pm and then on race day starting at 8:00 am. 

Awards will be given to the top 3 male and female age group finishers in ten -year increments from 18 & Under through 60 and over.